Beach Pavillons

A selection of Beach Pavilions that we like to go for food or a drink, cold in summer and warm in winter.

Beach House 25
Beach House 25
The only Pavilion that is a bit further away but of impeccable quality. The staff is very welcoming, children and dogs love it.
Half Moon
Half Moon
Halve Maentje, which is the local name is situated on the right side when you get to the beach.
Loods Tien
Loods Tien
Walk up to the beach and take a left, you will see the Pavilion straight away.

Taking your dog to the beach

“A dog is the only creature on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.”

It doesn’t get much better than this, taking your dog to the beach. Wet nose high in the salty air, snout smothered in sand and, yep, shake out that fur in the wind. Basically, dogs just adore the endless beaches here in Zeeland. All the space in the world, and surrounded by their very own nature.

In winter you can let the dogs run on the beach, in summer you will need to keep them on a leash. Should your dog need to make it’s business on the beach, please be respectful and use the small bags to clean up. Most beach pavilions have water bowls at the ready for our four legged friends.

“Live is all about balance. You don’t always need to be getting stuff done. Sometimes it’s perfectly ok, and absolutely necessary, to shut down, kick back, and do nothing.”

Lori Deschene